The list of the publications in scientific journals of the SERRANO project:
- K. Balaskas, G. Zervakis, H. Amrouch, J. Henkel and K. Siozios, “Automated Design Approximation to Overcome Circuit Aging”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
- K. Balaskas, F. Klemme, G. Zervakis, K. Siozios, H. Amrouch and J. Henkel, “Variability-Aware Approximate Circuit Synthesis via Genetic Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
- A. Kokkinis, D. Diamantopoulos and K. Siozios, “Dynamic Optimization of On-Chip Memories for HLS Targeting Many-Accelerator Platforms,” in IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 41-44, 1 July-Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LCA.2022.3190048.
- D. Danopoulos, G. Zervakis, K. Siozios, D. Soudris and J. Henkel, “AdaPT: Fast Emulation of Approximate DNN Accelerators in PyTorch,” in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 2074-2078, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2022.3212645.
- I. Sartzetakis, E. Varvarigos, “Network Tomography with Partial Topology Knowledge and Dynamic Routing” ,Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 31, 73 (2023). ttps://
- L. Cerdà-Alabern, G. Iuhasz, G, Gemmi, “Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning”, Computer Communications, Volume 202, 2023,
- K. Kontodimas, P. Soumplis, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, M. Fehér, D. Lucani, E. Varvarigos, “Secure Distributed Storage Orchestration on Heterogeneous Cloud-Edge Infrastructures”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2023.3287653
- I. Sartzetakis, E. Varvarigos, “Edge/Cloud Infinite-time Horizon Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning and General Tasks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, September 2023
- K. Balaskas, A. Karatzas, C. Sad, K. Siozios, I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Zervakis, J. Henkel, “Hardware-Aware DNN Compression via Diverse Pruning and Mixed-Precision Quantization”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
The list of the publications in conferences of the SERRANO project:
- A. Ferikoglou, I. Oroutzoglou, A. Kokkinis, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros, E. Chondrogiannis, A. Fernandez Gomez, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos and K. Siozios, “Towards efficient HW acceleration in edge-cloud infrastructures: The SERRANO approach”, International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), 2021
- A. Kokkinis, A. Ferikoglou, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros and K. Siozios, “Leveraging HW approximation for exploiting performance-energy trade-offs within the edge-cloud computing continuum”, Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC), 2021
- D. Khabi, “SERRANO hardware system simulator in HPC, Edge and Cloud environments”, Workshop on Intelligent operations, security, and acceleration for edge computing (MeditCom), 2021
- B. Pismenny, J.J. Olmos, Y. Zack, L. Liss, A. Dömeke, C. Stan, C. Garcia, I. Monroy, P. Kokkinos, A. Kretsis and E. Varvarigos, “Securitization of cloud, edge and IoT communications through hardware accelerations/offloadings”, Workshop on Intelligent operations, security, and acceleration for edge computing (MeditCom), 2021
- A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, P. Soumplis, J.J. Olmos, M. Feher, M. Sipos, D. Lucani, D. Khabi, D. Masouros, K. Siozios, P. Bourgos, S. Tsekeridou, F. Zyulkyarov, E. Karanastasis, E. Chrondrogiannis, V. Andronikou, A. Gomez, S. Panica, G. Luhasz, A. Nanos, C. Chalios and E. Varvarigos, “SERRANO: Transparent Application Deployment in a Secure, Accelerated and Cognitive Cloud Continuum”, Workshop on Intelligent operations, security, and acceleration for edge computing (MeditCom), 2021
- K. Kontodimas, P. Soumplis, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos and E. Varvarigos, “Secured Distributed Storage Resource Allocation on Cloud-Edge Infrastructures”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2021 (Best paper award)
- A. Spataru, G. Iuhasz and S. Panica, “TUFA: A TOSCA extension for the specification of accelerator-aware applications in the Cloud Continuum”, Workshop Big Data Processing on the Computing Continuum (COMPSAC 2022)
- P. Kokkinos, D. Margaris and D. Spiliotopoulos, “A Quality of Experience Illustrator User Interface for Cloud Provider Recommendations”, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2022)
- I. Sartzetakis, P. Soumplis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, and E. Varvarigos, “Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning at the Edge-Cloud Continuum”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022)
- I. Oroutzoglou, A. Kokkinis, A.Ferikoglou, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros and K. Siozios, “Optimizing Savitzky-Golay Filter on GPU and FPGA Accelerators for Financial Applications”, IEEE International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2022)
- I. Sartzetakis and E. Varvarigos, “Machine Learning Network Tomography with partial topology knowledge and dynamic routing”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022)
- P. Kokkinos, “Towards the Realization of Converged Cloud, Edge and Networking Infrastructures in Smart MegaCities”, 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2022)
- A. Kokkinis, D. Diamantopoulos, K. Siozios, “Dynamic Heap Management in High-Level Synthesis for Many-Accelerator Architectures”, IEEE 32nd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2022)
- A. Kokkinis, A. Ferikoglou, I. Oroutzoglou, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros, and K. Siozios, “HW/SW Acceleration of Multiple Workloads Within the SERRANO’s Computing Continuum”, International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS 2022)
- A. Kokkinis, G. Zervakis, K. Siozios, M. B. Tahoori and J. Henkel, “Hardware-Aware Automated Neural Minimization for Printed Multilayer Perceptrons”, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2023)
- A. Ferikoglou, A. Kokkinis, D. Danopoulos, I. Oroutzoglou, A. Nanos, S. Karanastasis, M. Sipos, J. Ghotbi, J.J. Vegas-Olmos, D. Masouros, K. Siozios, “The SERRANO platform: Stepping towards seamless application development & deployment in the heterogeneous edge-cloud continuum”, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2023)
- G. Iuhasz, S. Panica, A. Duma, “Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber Physical Systems”, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2023)
- A. Kokkinis, A. Nanos, K. Siozios, “Enabling An Isolated And Energy-Aware Deployment of Computationally Intensive Kernels on Multi-Tenant Environments”, International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS 2023)
- A.Nanos, A. Kretsis, C. Mainas, G. Ntouskos, A. Ferikoglou, D. Danopoulos, A. Kokkinis, D. Masouros, K. Siozios, P. Soumplis, P. Kokkinos, J.J. Vegas Olmos, and E. Varvarigos, “Hardware-Accelerated FaaS for the Edge-Cloud Continuum”, Cloud-Edge Continuum Workshop (CEC23)
- P. Soumplis, G. Kontos, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, A. Nanos, and E. Varvarigos, “Security-Aware Resource Allocation in the Edge-Cloud Continuum”, IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet 2023)
- E. Chondrogiannis, E. Karanastasis, V. Andronikou, A. Spătaru, A. Nanos, A. Kretsis, P.Kokkinos, “Intent-based AI-enhanced Service Orchestration for application deployment and execution in the Cloud Continuum”, 10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
- I. Sartzetakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, E. Varvarigos, Dynamic Edge/Cloud Resource Allocation for Distributed Computation under Semi-Static Demands,” to appear in IEEE 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024).