
The list of the publications in scientific journals of the SERRANO project:

  1. K. Balaskas, G. Zervakis, H. Amrouch, J. Henkel and K. Siozios, “Automated Design Approximation to Overcome Circuit Aging”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
  2. K. Balaskas, F. Klemme, G. Zervakis, K. Siozios, H. Amrouch and J. Henkel, “Variability-Aware Approximate Circuit Synthesis via Genetic Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
  3. A. Kokkinis, D. Diamantopoulos and K. Siozios, “Dynamic Optimization of On-Chip Memories for HLS Targeting Many-Accelerator Platforms,” in IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 41-44, 1 July-Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LCA.2022.3190048.
  4. D. Danopoulos, G. Zervakis, K. Siozios, D. Soudris and J. Henkel, “AdaPT: Fast Emulation of Approximate DNN Accelerators in PyTorch,” in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 2074-2078, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2022.3212645.
  5. I. Sartzetakis, E. Varvarigos, “Network Tomography with Partial Topology Knowledge and Dynamic Routing” ,Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 31, 73 (2023). ttps://
  6. L. Cerdà-Alabern, G. Iuhasz, G, Gemmi, “Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning”, Computer Communications, Volume 202, 2023,
  7. K. Kontodimas, P. Soumplis, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, M. Fehér, D. Lucani, E. Varvarigos, “Secure Distributed Storage Orchestration on Heterogeneous Cloud-Edge Infrastructures”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2023.3287653
  8. I. Sartzetakis, E. Varvarigos, “Edge/Cloud Infinite-time Horizon Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning and General Tasks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, September 2023
  9. K. Balaskas, A. Karatzas, C. Sad, K. Siozios, I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Zervakis, J. Henkel, “Hardware-Aware DNN Compression via Diverse Pruning and Mixed-Precision Quantization”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

The list of the publications in conferences of the SERRANO project:

  1. A. Ferikoglou, I. Oroutzoglou, A. Kokkinis, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros, E. Chondrogiannis, A. Fernandez Gomez, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos and K. Siozios, “Towards efficient HW acceleration in edge-cloud infrastructures: The SERRANO approach”, International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), 2021
  2. A. Kokkinis, A. Ferikoglou, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros and K. Siozios, “Leveraging HW approximation for exploiting performance-energy trade-offs within the edge-cloud computing continuum”, Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC), 2021
  3. D. Khabi, “SERRANO hardware system simulator in HPC, Edge and Cloud environments”, Workshop on Intelligent operations, security, and acceleration for edge computing (MeditCom), 2021
  4. B. Pismenny, J.J. Olmos, Y. Zack, L. Liss, A. Dömeke, C. Stan, C. Garcia, I. Monroy, P. Kokkinos, A. Kretsis and E. Varvarigos, “Securitization of cloud, edge and IoT communications through hardware accelerations/offloadings”, Workshop on Intelligent operations, security, and acceleration for edge computing (MeditCom), 2021
  5. A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, P. Soumplis, J.J. Olmos, M. Feher, M. Sipos, D. Lucani, D. Khabi, D. Masouros, K. Siozios, P. Bourgos, S. Tsekeridou, F. Zyulkyarov, E. Karanastasis, E. Chrondrogiannis, V. Andronikou, A. Gomez, S. Panica, G. Luhasz, A. Nanos, C. Chalios and E. Varvarigos, “SERRANO: Transparent Application Deployment in a Secure, Accelerated and Cognitive Cloud Continuum”, Workshop on Intelligent operations, security, and acceleration for edge computing (MeditCom), 2021
  6. K. Kontodimas, P. Soumplis, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos and E. Varvarigos, “Secured Distributed Storage Resource Allocation on Cloud-Edge Infrastructures”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2021 (Best paper award)
  7. A. Spataru, G. Iuhasz and S. Panica, “TUFA: A TOSCA extension for the specification of accelerator-aware applications in the Cloud Continuum”, Workshop Big Data Processing on the Computing Continuum (COMPSAC 2022)
  8. P. Kokkinos, D. Margaris and D. Spiliotopoulos, “A Quality of Experience Illustrator User Interface for Cloud Provider Recommendations”, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2022)
  9. I. Sartzetakis, P. Soumplis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, and E. Varvarigos, “Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning at the Edge-Cloud Continuum”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022)
  10. I. Oroutzoglou, A. Kokkinis, A.Ferikoglou, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros and K. Siozios, “Optimizing Savitzky-Golay Filter on GPU and FPGA Accelerators for Financial Applications”, IEEE International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2022)
  11. I. Sartzetakis and E. Varvarigos, “Machine Learning Network Tomography with partial topology knowledge and dynamic routing”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022)
  12. P. Kokkinos, “Towards the Realization of Converged Cloud, Edge and Networking Infrastructures in Smart MegaCities”, 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2022)
  13. A. Kokkinis, D. Diamantopoulos, K. Siozios, “Dynamic Heap Management in High-Level Synthesis for Many-Accelerator Architectures”, IEEE 32nd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2022)
  14. A. Kokkinis, A. Ferikoglou, I. Oroutzoglou, D. Danopoulos, D. Masouros, and K. Siozios, “HW/SW Acceleration of Multiple Workloads Within the SERRANO’s Computing Continuum”, International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS 2022)
  15. A. Kokkinis, G. Zervakis, K. Siozios, M. B. Tahoori and J. Henkel, “Hardware-Aware Automated Neural Minimization for Printed Multilayer Perceptrons”, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2023)
  16. A. Ferikoglou, A. Kokkinis, D. Danopoulos, I. Oroutzoglou, A. Nanos, S. Karanastasis, M. Sipos, J. Ghotbi, J.J. Vegas-Olmos, D. Masouros, K. Siozios, “The SERRANO platform: Stepping towards seamless application development & deployment in the heterogeneous edge-cloud continuum”, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2023)
  17. G. Iuhasz, S. Panica, A. Duma, “Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber Physical Systems”, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2023)
  18. A. Kokkinis, A. Nanos, K. Siozios, “Enabling An Isolated And Energy-Aware Deployment of Computationally Intensive Kernels on Multi-Tenant Environments”, International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS 2023)
  19. A.Nanos, A. Kretsis, C. Mainas, G. Ntouskos, A. Ferikoglou, D. Danopoulos, A. Kokkinis, D. Masouros, K. Siozios, P. Soumplis, P. Kokkinos, J.J. Vegas Olmos, and E. Varvarigos, “Hardware-Accelerated FaaS for the Edge-Cloud Continuum”, Cloud-Edge Continuum Workshop (CEC23)
  20. P. Soumplis, G. Kontos, A. Kretsis, P. Kokkinos, A. Nanos, and E. Varvarigos, “Security-Aware Resource Allocation in the  Edge-Cloud Continuum”, IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet 2023)
  21. E. Chondrogiannis, E. Karanastasis, V. Andronikou, A. Spătaru, A. Nanos, A. Kretsis, P.Kokkinos, “Intent-based AI-enhanced Service Orchestration for application deployment and execution in the Cloud Continuum”, 10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
  22. I. Sartzetakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, E. Varvarigos, Dynamic Edge/Cloud Resource Allocation for Distributed Computation under Semi-Static Demands,” to appear in IEEE 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024).